Lals GroupLals GroupLals Group

Since its inception by Lals Group in 2003, Homes r Us offers stylish home solutions from furniture to accessories that embody the epitome of a holistic lifestyle experience. The exceptional resonance achieved with customers has been the driving force behind the brand’s remarkable growth.

Mom Store, a rapidly growing brand under Lals Group, is a versatile, multifaceted omni-channel experience that radiates convenience and inspiration for all moms – from the expectant to the experienced. 

Founded by visionary William Carter in 1865, Carter’s Inc. stands as the leading kidswear brand in the US. Rooted in a deep understanding of what truly matters to families, Carter’s legacy of innovation and expertise is cherished, trusted, and loved by countless generations. 

Since its humble origins as a 100-yen street vending operation in 1972, Daiso has evolved into the #1 Japanese Value Store in the Middle East. With over 80,000 lifestyle and gift items, including 800 new additions monthly.

Inspired by the regal sport of Polo, the brand serves as the official clothing brand of the United States Polo Association. Its products mirror the vibrant spirit and confidence found on polo fields across the world. 


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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