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Mom & Baby is an integral part of Lals Group – offering apparel, accessories, and other wares for men, women, and children alike. With a resounding presence within local borders and across the globe, Mom & Baby curates and delivers a diverse range of products – including renowned brands such as Carter’s, iCandy, Kikaboo, Luma, Dooky, and Elodie.

Founded by visionary William Carter in 1865, Carter’s Inc. stands as the leading kidswear brand in the US. Rooted in a deep understanding of what truly matters to families, Carter’s legacy of innovation and expertise is cherished, trusted, and loved by countless generations. 

Headquartered in the UK, iCandy is a name with a heritage of over 90 years, housing a range of elegantly crafted designer pushchairs, highchairs, and accessories that seamlessly blend style and functionality.

Kikkaboo began its journey in 2016 in Europe and has since blossomed into a rapidly developing force in the world of baby products. With a reach that extends to more than 30 global markets, their offerings encompass a range of baby goods – from maternity and bedding to strollers, car seats, and everything in between. 

LUMA babycare, a Dutch brand established in 2010, embodies over 30 years of expertise in crafting exceptional bath and care products for babies and toddlers. The brand epitomizes the values of design, contemporary aesthetics, and simplicity – resonating in the vibrant colors, enchanting prints, and timeless styles of their products. 

Originating from the picturesque Netherlands, Dooky crafts innovative baby products that have enriched the lives of parents and their little ones since 1997. With an in-house design department leading the way, the brand has developed over 300 cherished products.

In 2005, Linda Sätterström founded the Stockholm-based brand, Elodie, when she sought well-designed solutions for her daughter. Fueled by a longing for function and style, she crafted Elodie’s flagship product – a pacifier clip that complements the baby’s outfit. 

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