Lals GroupLals GroupLals Group

Founded on September 9, 2003, in the vibrant city of Dubai, Spire International has emerged as a frontrunner in the FMCG industry. In the last decade, we have introduced a range of in-house brands – featuring exceptional products such as Olive Oils, Sparkling Juices, Coffee Range, Canned Vegetables, Beverages, and an array of premium grocery items.

At the core of our success lies a dedication to excellence, unmatched service and a robust distribution network that spans over 50+ brands. Today, Spire International is the premier supply partner for nearly every five-star hotel, catering company, dining establishment, bakery, hospital, cruise line, and airline in the UAE and across the world.

Specializing in the HORECA trade, our Horeca division caters to Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes, Ship Chandlers and Airlines. With a professional, prompt and service-oriented approach, we provide the best ingredient solutions and professional advice tailored to our customers’ needs.

Armed with a wealth of expertise and decades of experience in hospitality services, we consider it a privilege to provide you with an extensive range of products and services – empowering your business with a distinctive edge.


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