Lals GroupLals GroupLals Group

Welcome our newest brand – Leclercbaby acquired by Legend Holdings, a subsidiary of Lals Group

Leclercbaby, a popular and premium baby stroller brand, has been acquired by Legend Holdings, a subsidiary of Lals Group. Leclercbaby is a brand dedicated to providing freedom to parents with innovative strollers designed for every outing.

Legend Holdings, known for its investments across diverse sectors, has expanded its management offices in Dubai, UAE, with the aim of growing the Leclercbaby brand. In an official announcement, Lals Group expressed their excitement about this new project: “It gives us great pleasure to announce that Legend Holdings has acquired the rights to Leclercbaby, including the existing and in-production inventory.”

Legend Holding’s is committed to introducing innovative products, investing in marketing and distribution channels and expanding the brand’s presence in the region to ensure lasting success in the competitive nursery products market. This acquisition will not only strengthen Leclercbaby’s existing market but also leverage the brand for future growth.


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