Lals GroupLals GroupLals Group

With an illustrious 35-year journey in the food and beverage sector, our family-owned enterprise is celebrated for its unparalleled quality, diverse brand portfolio, and cutting-edge supply chain practices. Embracing a dynamic spectrum of channels within the GCC, including five-star hotels, fine dining establishments, cruise lines, bakeries, and more, we take immense pride in our unique capabilities that consistently outshine expectations.

From catering to world-class dining and five-star hotels to partnering with concept restaurants and renowned international food chains in Bahrain, Seychelles, Maldives, and Dubai, we are devoted to delivering unparalleled services. Our state-of-the-art facility spans 50,000+ pallets – housing eight independent temperature-controlled chambers. We ensure product integrity across the supply chain with temperature-controlled transportation. This unwavering dedication to quality and reliability positions us among the foremost food distribution companies in Dubai.

LG FMCG also boasts a Gulf apparel group. As a leading supplier of ready-made garments and home and hotel linen, we grace the shelves of major retail giants such as Geant, Al Maya Group, Hyper Panda, Carrefour, and other prominent stores in the GCC region.

In our 35-year saga, LG FMCG Trading L.L.C. has strategically ascended to a prominent position among Dubai’s leading food service companies. From the outset, our mission has been to secure the trust of partners through a diverse array of distribution services in the GCC region. Our relentless pursuit to exceed expectations has forged enduring relationships with premier business partners worldwide. At LG FMCG, passion meets precision and excellence is not just a choice – it’s a commitment.


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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